Courses available on my learning platform

Understanding what learning is available to you.

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Just before we start, if you’ve been sent to this guide from the Help button and you have just clicked on Refresh Schedule:

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… then you’ll want to read through this guide Refreshing courses - if not then read on!

After a while of using our platform and possibly creating your own courses using ECB, you’ll want to see immediately which courses are active, and you might also want to make a few tweaks while you’re there.

From your dashboard select Courses:

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From the drop-down menu select Overview.

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Here, you can see all the courses on your learning platform:

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This will include all the courses that you license from us as part of your annual agreement, as well as any that you’ve created and deployed yourself using ECB.

You can immediately see the relevant statistics at the top.

You shouldn’t normally have to change anything about a course, so you might only use this application to look at what’s active and what isn’t, but here’s a couple of things that you might want to change if you need to. Just press Edit:

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The Alt Course ID is only used if we have set up a bespoke course export facility for you (this would allow you to take completed course records back into your HR/Payroll system if you need to).

Course Type is how you group courses together on the learning road map to make it easier to navigate and quicker to complete. You might find this useful to read: Managing course types effectively.

Behaviour Type is a means of setting up courses so that they work in different ways as follows:

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  1. Non-launchable Course – is, well, a course that doesn’t launch! You might want to do this to show on a learner’s roadmap – and in the reporting - that they have completed an activity (such as a premises walk around on their first day and to confirm that they know where all the fire exits are).
  2. Managed Event – like a non-launchable course and works alongside your Inform People platform if you have one.
  3. External SCORM Course—This will have been set automatically if you have uploaded a SCORM 1.2 course to your learning platform, so please don’t pick this option if you don’t want your current Upskill People course to break!
  4. UpskillCloud Course – this is a particular setting for specific circumstances - which don’t apply to you if you are launching courses directly from our learning platform so please don’t pick this option if you want your current courses to launch perfectly every time!
  5. Hybrid Course - this is created using ECB to combine a SCORM 1.2 module with an ECB tracked quiz and survey.

If you do want to update a course to work from UpskillCloud then this guide is for you: Exporting an ECB course for use within UpskillCloud

If you are using Easy Course Builder, then these fields should only be updated using ECB (otherwise they’ll just be overwritten the next time you deploy your ECB changes):

We’ve introduced a new “Mandatory” filter to let your learners know that they must complete this course because it’s not optional:

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Previously you would have created a specific course type to be able to filter on courses that are mandatory for your teams to complete.

One thing that you might want to do is set an active course to be inactive so that it is then removed from all your learners’ roadmaps. Do this by removing the Available tick:

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… and then pressing Save.

You’ll notice that there are some things that you can’t change:

.. and it is what it is!

The next suggested guide is Your Licensed courses

You might also find these useful:

Completing courses for people

Refreshing courses

Automating course refreshes