Uploading a Scorm 1.2 module

Did you know you can upload Scorm 1.2 content from other providers?

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

You might have e-learning content that you’d like to use on the learning platform, that comes from another partner or supplier. And if this sounds like the sort of thing you’re looking to achieve, then we’ve got you covered with the SCORM uploader.

Our platform is entirely compatible with SCORM modules (which stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model), which means you can still use any previous courses or content you may have – but it must be a SCORM 1.2 course.

Starting at your dashboard, select Courses followed by Overview then select Upload SCORM 1.2 courses:

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…and then Upload Course:

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(The other option is just for you to see what you’ve uploaded in the past.)

Pick Choose file … and find your file.

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Note it must be a SCORM 1.2 file, which is the most common type (not SCORM 1.3, 2004 or any other type of SCORM file). 

When you’ve chosen your file pick Upload and uploading process will begin.

Once it’s checked your manifest file (don’t worry it’s a SCORM thing - it’ll have one) and it’s okay, with no errors, we can move on to the next step.

If this is your first Scorm upload then you’ll only see the option to Continue import as new course:

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Otherwise, you’ll have a choice to make:

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  • Continue import as a new course
  • Continue import replacing existing course (great for a quick update)

We’re going to create a new course so that you can see the entire process …

The Course name and the Course code will be automatically populated from your SCORM file – remember that the course code must be unique, so you might have to change it if you’ve created all your SCORM courses as 'the course'.

You’ll need to add a short name, pick a course type and add your own course description and then Save:

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Here’s a top tip for first-time Scorm uploaders…

You’re going to have to pick a course type because these work together with the learning roadmap to group courses so that learners can access and complete them more quickly.

If you’ve not added any course types yet then when you save you’ll see this error:

Don’t worry, you haven’t wasted your time so far but you’re going to have to pause your Scorm upload until you’ve created at least one course type. From your dashboard select Courses followed by Overview. Pick Course Types and Create new.

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When you’ve created your new course type and pressed Save:

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You can return to your previous import (so there’s no need to start again) just pick Previous Uploads:

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And choose which one it was:

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You can now populate all the required fields including picking the relevant course type:

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Press Save to move on to the next step.

It’ll do its thing a bit more…  … and then it’ll be done!

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You can import another course if you have one or go back to your dashboard to complete the next bit…

… and search for the course you’ve just uploaded:

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You can tweak the following by selecting Courses from the Dashboard followed by Overview. From here, you will need to select Filter Courses and choose both active and inactive as shown, then press Save to Update the Course.

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… and then Save

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Scroll down to find your course and Edit to include the following:

  • The course Version number (always a good idea, especially to keep track of updates)
  • Short title – used on the tiles view in the Learning Roadmap
  • Course Description (just in case you rushed it earlier so now you can write something that will help the learner!)
  • Make this course a Mandatory one (to help learners filter their learning roadmap on what’s important to do first)
  • Update the Course Type (if you’ve changed your mind which one it should belong to)
  • Set the Behaviour Type to be External SCORM course
  • Add your own Course Icon (pick Choose file and find an icon that is 60 pixels wide by 60 pixels high)

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Remember to make the course available and select Save

That’s it! Your course is now ready to be assigned to your learners.

What’s in a name? There is something that you need to be aware of…

When you are importing a Scorm 1.2 course, the name of your course zip file does matter! We use Google Cloud to host our learning platform technology and it does have a limitation of 63 characters. If, however, it is vital that you have a very long filename for your Scorm 1.2 zip file then you can get around this by introducing “dots” into your file name – as long as you don’t exceed 63 characters “between the dots”.

e.g. 63_characters-long.63_more_characters.another_63_characters.zip

(but why would you want to do that?)

An important note for anyone creating courses using Articulate…

When you publish your SCORM 1.2 course, the default LMS Reporting ‘Report status to LMS as’ setting may be set as ‘Passed/Incomplete’. If you want to see a completed green tick every time the course is passed, then you should change this to be Completed/incomplete before you publish your course.

Filter SCORM courses then select More followed by Mark as Complete.

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A suggested guide to look at next is Managing your learner badges

You might also find these useful:

Grouping courses into learning profiles

Creating a course icon