Giving people courses when you’ve bought from the Store

They’re quick and simple to buy and easy to give to your teams

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

This article relates only to customers of the Upskill People Store (for example - there are other branded stores available and the functionality is the same as described in this article.)

First, you need to sign in:

… and then go to My Account:

From here you can access your e-learning account:

… and you will be taken directly to where you need to be:

So, let’s just talk about this page for a bit as there are some key things to know…

First, the course library page shows you the list of courses that you’ve bought at the store:

… including any that you’ve also added after your original purchase.

To add another course, you just search for it and add it from the list:

If you need to remove it from your list, then search for it again and select the greyed Add course button:

Use the Assign to learners button to add more people to your team and to give them courses:

This person is inactive and therefore you cannot assign courses to them:

To assign a course just tick the empty box:

Note how the value of the Assigned credits has gone up and the value of the Unassigned credits has gone down accordingly.

To remove this course simply untick the box again.

When the course is assigned (a blue tick) then it will appear on that person’s course roadmap:

Also, any courses that an individual has started (and hopefully also completed!) are shown as grey ticks and cannot now be unassigned (because the credits have been spent):

To add a team member, simply press Add learner:

Just complete the form – it’s important that each person has a unique email address:

.. and then select Add learner.

Now they can be assigned courses too:

Finally, the Transaction summary just shows you, the administrator for your team, what you’ve bought and what’s been spent so that you can keep track:

So, what’s all this about credits then?

Think of credits as a form of currency. On the store, each course that you buy has an associated credits value so that when you launch a course you are then ‘spending’ those credits.

We know that when you’re browsing for courses, you might want to change your mind after purchasing – and that is completely fine with us. You just add your new course from the course library and off you go (following this guide if you need to!). When you run out of credits then just select Buy credits:


… and it’ll take you back to the store where you can buy more courses which will give you more credits to spend on whatever courses you want.

To see courses that you’ve assigned to yourself, just click on My Learning in your dashboard:

You might also find these guides useful…

Understanding your Learning Road Map

Understanding the Store