Exporting and importing a course using ECB

Only when you have multiple learning platforms

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Why would you do that? Following on from our previous guide Duplicating a course in ECB, you might also want to make your changes using a different Upskill People learning platform – it could be that this course is going to be translated into a different language, which is why you duplicated the English version of the course and you just need your translator to overwrite the English text into a different language.

Here’s how:

You can only export a course if you are the owner of that course. So, it might be worth finding the person who created the course, or you can contact us at support@upskillpeople.com to sort this out for you.

Pick the Export Course option:

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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In Chrome, it will download it to your downloads folder:


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In Edge, it works the same but looks slightly different:

Graphical user interface, application

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All you really need to know is where to get the file that you’ve just downloaded, so whichever browser you use, make sure to pick the Show in folder option:

Graphical user interface

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So, you’ve now exported your ECB course.

The next thing to do is to import it into your new learning platform. It might seem obvious, but don’t try and import it into the same learning platform because it just won’t work (use Duplicate Course for that!)

Go to your new learning platform and into ECB – and right at the bottom of your course list, pick Import Course:

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Go and find the file you previously exported and downloaded:

… and select Open:

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You’ll see a message appear when it’s imported:

Your course now appears on your course list:

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Top tip: If this course doesn’t appear right away, then just refresh your browser and it should appear:

The next guide in this section is Setting up and using offline courses in ECB