About Upskill People courses

The important things you should know

Written by Dave Branscombe

Last published at: July 27th, 2024

Can Upskill People courses be displayed in other languages?

There's a simple answer to this; if you work in the UK then you should take the courses, and especially pass the assessments, in English. After all, that's what food ingredients and safety signs are displayed in!

However, we recognise that our clients employ people who don't have English as a first language, especially non-customer facing staff. So we came up with a good solution a few years ago.

We take the key words and phrases from each course and create a document that is translated in a variety of languages. Then we link this as a PDF for people to reference (the benefit is they also learn a bit of English at the same time). We currently do this for our safety, health, food and wellbeing courses.

The really cool bit is that if our licenced courses don't have a specific language (or several) that a client requires, then we can add it for free. Here's how it works, we initially run it through a service such as Google translate, and we send a Word doc to the client to ask two or three of their team that speaks the language natively to check and tweak it as required. Then we run it back through the translator the other way to make sure no undesirable words have crept in. Once we have updated the course, everyone gets the latest key words and phrases as part of their annual course licence.

Alternatively, if you would like us to completely translate a course into a new language then please do get in touch and we’d be delighted to discuss this with you in more detail.

There is also another solution – use Google Translate.

Using the Chrome browser, go to the Chrome web store and install the Google Translate extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb?hl=en-GB

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With the Google Translate extension installed, you simply launch the courses in English:

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… and then pick the “extensions” icon in your browser (top right):

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… and pick “Translate this page”:

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Simply pick the language that you want to see:

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.. and the entire page will be translated for you:

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Repeat this as often as you need to.

You can also set your primary language:

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Which means that you won’t have to translate each page individually.

Natasha’s Law

In October 2021, changes to the Food Allergen laws, known as Natasha’s Law, came into force.

Version 7.2 of our Food Hygiene - Allergens (HFHE_ALLG) course, updated in March 2021, reflects these changes to the 2021 legislation…

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… and on the summary screen:

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Are the Upskill People Food Hygiene courses Level 2 and Level 3 compliant?

It's a question we get asked a lot.

Our courses are endorsed by consultants, but the real point is that the requirement is to "train your employees commensurate with their work activity and have robust records to show it".

With respect to where our food hygiene products sit regarding levels 2 and 3:

  • Food Hygiene Essentials - HFHE_E - follows the level 2 syllabus
  • ​Food Hygiene for Manager - HFHM -  (alongside the completion of Food Hygiene Essentials) follows the level 3 syllabus.

This should be borne in mind when assessing the suitability our products when ensuring that an employee is trained commensurate with their work activities.

While our courses satisfy all our clients’ main requirements, it's not always one size fits all. There may be some situations when additional content/procedures are required bespoke to that client, and that's the organisation's responsibility to ensure it is in place (online or otherwise). An example is one of our clients who cooks burgers pink, this isn't obviously covered in an off the shelf course such as ours, so, using Easy Course Builder, the client produced a specific course for their team in addition to the courses they licensed from us.

If an EHO of any client asks to see the courses and assessments, then we are more than happy to set up an account for them, we are unable to send out PDF versions of our course, nor the production scripts that we use to create our courses.

For smaller clients who are uncertain, and looking for confidence, our client list is a good indication of the level of trust you can place in our courses as can be seen at our web site https://upskillpeople.com/.

You might also want to check out these guides:

Courses available on my learning platform

Your licensed courses

Writing a great course script 

Create a new course in ECB